App Store Promotional In-App Purchases - How to Boost and Optimize Promoted In-App Purchases

App Store Optimization
Paid User Acquisition
May 16, 2023

In mobile applications, new features keep emerging, enhancing the pleasure derived from their usage. One of such features is the ability to make in-app purchases. In this article, we will give you a glimpse of RadASO's expertise and delve into the concept of In-App Purchases, how they function, how to promote them, and why they are important for both developers and users. With that out of the way, let’s proceed straight to the matter at hand.

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What are In-App Purchases?

In-App Purchases refer to the acquisition of virtual goods (digital items, premium access, content, or extended subscriptions) within an application.

In other words, In-App Purchases enable app users to acquire additional features, content, or services that are not included in the app's default functionality. For instance, you can purchase exclusive paid content or subscribe to the premium version of an app, which offers additional features and benefits.

These purchases can be promoted and made available directly in the App Store, but for that to happen, In-App Purchases must first be added to App Store Connect and approved.

Color space
Display P3 (wide-gamut color), sRGB (color), or Gray Gamma 2.2 (grayscale).
See Color Management.
Flattened with no transparency
Square with no rounded corners
Color space
Display P3 (wide-gamut color), sRGB (color), or Gray Gamma 2.2 (grayscale).
See Color Management.
Flattened with no transparency
Square with no rounded corners
Frequency in service
课程 (course)
5387 (high)
56 (mid)
5 (low)
34 (mid)
外语 (foreign language)
5699 (high)
35 (mid)
5 (low)
播放 (play)
5496 (high)
35 (mid)
5 (low)
35 (mid)
*Search index in China provided by Qimai and based on multidimensional calculations such as search results, downloads and relatable keywords.
App Store
Google Play
1. Icon impact on user choice
Important, but not more than a video with screenshots, as they take up most of the screen
Icon is displayed with several other icons in search results, and therefore it has the greatest impact on the user's choice
2. Icon localization
1 icon for all locales
Can be localized for each country
3. Screenshots quantity, orientation
From 1 to 10, any orientation
From 2 to 8, any orientation
4. Screenshots the most important are the ones that are visible before you start scrolling
  • Vertical screenshots: 3 are visible
  • Horizontal screenshots: only the first one is visible
  • Vertical screenshots: 4 are visible
  • Horizontal screenshots: only the first one is visible
5. Screenshots size
Large — the content is legible
Much smaller — the captions are quite illegible
6. Video quantity
Up to 3
One video that must be uploaded to YouTube
7. Video orientation
Any orientation
Horizontal orientation prioritized
8. Video autoplay
Plays automatically for 30 seconds without sound
You need to click on it to play
9. Application cover
Displayed on the application and developer pages
There is no cover
10. Graphics update
After release only

Types of In-App Purchases

There are four main types of in-app purchases:

  1. Consumables. For example, in gaming apps, users can purchase additional lives or precious gems. When depleted, these items can be repurchased.
  2. Non-consumable purchases, such as premium features within an app. Examples include workout plans for fitness apps or weapons and equipment for games. Such purchases unlock content, features, or other benefits permanently.
  3. Auto-renewable subscriptions for additional features or content. This could involve speech-to-text conversion in a messaging app or offline music streaming in an audio player. When users purchase a subscription plan with auto-renewal, they are charged on a regular basis until they manually cancel the subscription.
  4. Non-renewing subscriptions for additional features or content that are valid for a limited time. Users can purchase a subscription without automatic renewal and manually renew it whenever they want to extend their access to a service or content.
Device or context
Icon size
60x60 pt (180x180 px @3x)
60x60 pt (120x120 px @2x)
iPad Pro
83.5x83.5 pt (167x167 px @2x)
iPad, iPad mini
76x76 pt (152x152 px @2x)
App Store
1024x1024 pt (1024x1024 px @1x)
Source language
Target language
How much longer (+) or shorter (–) the text in the target language is
Portuguese (Portugal)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
*Search Ads Popularity (SAP)shows the popularity of the search term from 5 to 99.

What do Promoted In-App Purchases look like?

Promoted In-App Purchases appear on the application page, in search results, and can also be featured in the "Today," "Games," and "Apps" tabs. However, in order for Promoted In-App Purchases to be displayed at all, their visibility needs to be configured beforehand in App Store Connect.

Important: Consumables will not be displayed in the search results.
Spotlight icon size
Settings icon size
Notification icon size
40x40 pt (120x120 px @3x)
29x29 pt (87x87 px @3x)
38x38 pt (114x114 px @3x)
40x40 pt (80x80 px @2x)
29x29 pt (58x58 px @2x)
38x38 pt (76x76 px @2x)
iPad Pro, iPad, iPad mini
40x40 pt (80x80 px @2x)
29x29 pt (58x58 px @2x)
38x38 pt (76x76 px @2x)
Search term
SAP* English (U.S.)
SAP* English (U.K.)
truck games
games with trucks
lorry games
games with trucks
jail games
prison games
prison games
prison games
*Search Ads Popularity (SAP)shows the popularity of the search term from 5 to 99.
App Store
Google Play
What can be tested?
  • Short description
  • Long description
  • Icon
  • Feature graphics
  • Screenshots
  • Videos
  • Screenshots
  • Videos
  • Icon (has to be uploaded to the build*)
Number of simultaneously running tests
5 tests (each test is valid within a single country.

You can choose a default country test (details below): then it will run in all countries where there are no localized graphical or textual materials.
1 test (the test can be immediately extended to all countries where the application is available or opt for specific countries as needed)
The number of test variants that can be tested with the current version in the store
Compared with a maximum of 3 new variants
Can a test be launched while another item is under review?
Mandatory formats for screenshots uploaded to the store
  • 6.5
  • 5.5
  • 12.9 (if there is an iPad version)
*Build – is a new version of the application. Updating the icon is only possible when updating the application version in the store. In other words, the term "build" refers to a specific version or variant of the application that is ready to be downloaded and installed on the users' devices. It contains all the necessary files and data for users to install and use the application.
More about optimizing graphic elements in the App Store and Google Play can be found in the article 'Graphics in Mobile App Promotion in the App Store and Google Play (ASO) – How to Optimize Graphic Elements.'

Metadata and recommendations for optimizing Promoted In-App Purchases

Each promoted in-app purchase contains its own metadata: display name, description, and promotional image.

Display name (up to 30 characters) – indexed. The title of the promoted in-app purchase should be clear and understandable to App Store users, reflecting the essence of the purchase, for example, "Text to Speech Unlimited". Apple recommends avoiding generic names such as "100 gems". For automatically renewable subscriptions, the subscription period should be clearly indicated.

Description (up to 45 characters) – not indexed. The description should be clear and facilitate the understanding of the benefits that users will gain from the purchase. It is worth using a unique description for each promoted in-app purchase to set them apart from one another.

Promotional image (PNG or high-quality JPEG with a resolution of up to 1024x1024). Each promoted in-app purchase should have a unique image that best describes its content. Images should not be screenshots and should not imitate the application icon to avoid confusing the users. Apple also does not recommend overlaying text on the promotional image. After uploading the promotional image, Apple adds a frame to it. When a promoted in-app purchase appears in the search results or on tabs such as Today, Games, and Apps, the application icon is added to it in the lower-left corner for additional context.

Therefore, when preparing the promotional image, it is crucial to consider these factors to ensure that they do not obscure essential aspects of your design.

The display name and description can be optimized for 39 locales, just like the regular app page metadata.
The promotional image remains the same for all locales.You can find additional pointers on where to add metadata for promoted purchases in App Store Connect in the Apple documentation.

Insights and Tips on Using Promoted In-App Purchases

  • Keywords from the name of a localized promoted in-app purchase can be indexed in all countries, meaning that the name of the in-app purchase you’re promoting in the French locale can be indexed in Italy or Ukraine.
  • Promoted purchases can be indexed based on keywords from the metadata of the main app page. Additionally, keywords from the promoted in-app purchase name can be mixed with keywords from the metadata of the main app page.
  • Use search terms in the promoted in-app purchase name that will help you rank your app in the 1st position. The promoted in-app purchase will occupy the 2nd position, thus allowing your app to practically dominate the entire search results page, pushing competitors down. As a result, you have the potential to increase conversion rates and thus increase the number of installs.
Device size or platform
Screenshot size
Screenshot source
6.5 inch (iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR)
1284 x 2778 pixels (portrait)2778 x 1284 pixels (landscape)1242 x 2688 pixels (portrait)2688 x 1242 pixels (landscape)
Required if app runs on iPhone
Upload 6.5-inch screenshots
5.8 inch (iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone XS, iPhone X)
1170 x 2532 pixels (portrait)2532 x 1170 pixels (landscape)1125 x 2436 pixels (portrait)2436 x 1125 pixels (landscape)1080 x 2340 (portrait)2340 x 1080 (landscape)
Required if app runs on iPhone and 6.5 inch screenshots are not provided
Default: scaled 6.5-inch screenshotsAlternative: upload 5.8-inch screenshots
5.5 inch (iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus)
1242 x 2208 pixels (portrait)2208 x 1242 pixels (landscape)
Required if app runs on iPhone
Upload 5.5-inch screenshots
5.5 inch (iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus)
2048 x 2732 pixels (portrait)2732 x 2048 pixels (landscape)
Required if app runs on iPad
Upload 12.9-inch iPad Pro (3rd generation) screenshots
5.5 inch (iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus)
2048 x 2732 pixels (portrait)2732 x 2048 pixels (landscape)
Required if app runs on iPad
Upload 12.9-inch iPad Pro (2nd generation) screenshots
Traffic Source (Self Reporting Networks)
X (Twitter)
Apple Search Ads
Cohort reports
Impression tracking
Audience segmentation
At extra charge
Custom Dashboards
Custom Reports
At extra charge
Advertisement Cost
DAU/MAU (Stickiness)
Raw Data Export
At extra charge
At extra charge
At extra charge
API Reporting
Search term
SAP* French
SAP* French (Canada)
*Search Ads Popularity (SAP)shows the popularity of the search term from 5 to 99.

Promoting purchases in the app: Promotional In-App Purchases

Before you proceed with promoting in-app purchases, make sure that the app supports the SKPaymentTransactionObserver, delegation method, and that promotional images are added to all in-app purchases you want to promote.

You can promote up to 20 different in-app purchases simultaneously. Learn more about configuring the visibility of promoted in-app purchases in the Apple documentation. To select the in-app purchases you want to promote, follow these steps in App Store Connect:

  1. In the My Apps section, select your app.
  2. On the sidebar, under Features, click App Store Promotions, then click the Edit button:

Next, choose the purchases or subscriptions, set the display order on the app page (optional), and click Save:

After this, the promoted in-app purchases should appear on the app page and, after indexing, start appearing in search results.

Icon size
180px × 180px (60pt × 60pt @3x)
120px × 120px (60pt × 60pt @2x)
iPad Pro
167px × 167px (83.5pt × 83.5pt @2x)
iPad, iPad mini
152px × 152px (76pt × 76pt @2x)
App Store
1024px × 1024px (1024pt × 1024pt @1x)
Icon format
Color models
sRGB or P3 (see "Color Management")
Aligned without transparency
Square without rounded corners
All the current requirements for icons are specified in the specification.

What to do if the Promoted In-App Purchase is not appearing in the App Store?

Sometimes, the promoted in-app purchase may not appear in any of the placements. This is likely because you’ve enabled the limited visibility option in the promotional in-app purchase settings. To change these settings, you need to go to App Store Connect and follow these steps:

  1. In the My Apps section, select your app.
  2. On the sidebar, under Features, click App Store Promotions, then choose the desired form of promotion.

Scroll down to the App Store Promotion section and, under App Store Visibility subsection, click Edit:

Select the visibility option for all users and click Save:

After this, the promotional in-app purchase will become visible to all users and will be displayed on the app page as well as the search results.

Icon format
32-bit PNG (with alpha channel)
Color models
512 х 512 pixels
1024 КБ
square, without rounding and shadows (Google automatically rounds the corners and adds shadows)
All the current requirements are specified in the specification.

To conclude, In-App Purchases work as extensions of your application; they can influence visibility, conversion, and sales, providing you with more opportunities to showcase your application and gather valuable information about your audience. You can test different types of promoted in-app purchases to understand which one works best for your audience and how to improve your offer.

And if your application already uses a subscription model or one-time in-app purchases, you should take advantage of promoting them in the App Store through Promotional In-App Purchases. By optimizing the metadata of promoted in-app purchases and configuring them for promotion directly in the App Store, you can increase the visibility of your application and potentially boost conversion to increase the number of downloads.

Therefore, implementing In-App Purchases in your application can be an effective addition to your ASO (App Store Optimization) strategy in 2023.
