Newbie Apps have to compete with brands that are already well-known. Especially in the financial field, where users often prefer tried-and-true famous brands. The RadASO team has prepared a guide on how a new app can gain and increase trust among app store users thanks to text ASO.
Ampere Business Bank is a convenient online banking system for businesses. A universal service to instantly add a business account and manage multi-currency accounts with a single app. It allows sending and receiving money around the globe, exchanging currencies at favorable rates, and using free corporate cards.
Explore Keyword Strategies in the ASO Busters Discord Community!
To expand the app’s geography, improve its visibility, and increase the number of installations.
This app appeared in the App Store in September 2022 and was unknown to users. But it had to compete with popular brands, which were much more trusted. And that is a crucial aspect of the financial niche. There were almost a hundred well-known banking apps among the competitors.
Note. The team uses the unique proprietary automation tool RadASO Tech Boosted Solution at every stage of their work. This is an indispensable instrument for the automated collection of data about competitors, search terms (keywords), positions, and SAP.
Step 1. Collecting the competitors. The team focused on the apps with similar functionality.
Step 2. Competitor analysis. Identified the main competitors of the client app and found out the following:
Step 3. Setting localization priorities (for countries where competitors have the majority of installations): English (U.K.), English (Canada), French (Canada), French, German, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish (Spain), Swedish, Catalan.
Ut to this point, the client app was only using one locale for English (U.K.) out of the 39 available in the App Store.
Step 4. Collecting the app’s semantic core. RadASO Tech Boosted Solution allows for faster and more qualitative data procession in semi-automated mode. The semantic core accumulates every search term competitors rank by, their titles and subtitles, plus the search suggestions from the store:
Prior to their cooperation with RadASO, the client app had irrelevant search terms in the Keywords field: “small” and “company.” These keywords yield irrelevant search results, therefore, using them does not benefit the client's application:
Step 5. Preparing metadata for approved locales with cross-locale use. For example, in Spain, there are two localizations at the same time: Spanish (Spain) and Catalan, and for Canada – English (Canada) and French (Canada). To see the full list, please follow this link.
To put together metadata, the in-house tool Metadata Wizard was used, which is a part of RadASO Tech Boost Solution. It helps to filter search terms using various parameters:
Based on these parameters, the RadASO team came to a decision to prioritize the inclusion of certain search terms in the metadata.
Increased number of positions in the top 3:
Top 4-10 position dynamics:
Top 11-50 position dynamics:
As a result of new positions, we can see the app’s visibility improvement in the countries with updated metadata:
There was also a growth in the number of installations for certain countries:
Apart from the countries with metadata-related improvements, the app’s visibility increased in other countries, too (due to the English U.K. locale that works in almost every country):
By comparing the numbers of impressions and installs in targeted countries for 30 days before and after the release, one can see the improvement in those metrics:
The text ASO implementation allowed an increase in the number of the app’s impressions and installs in target countries. Going forward, the RadASO team recommends two equally important steps.
Firstly, working on the graphic АSО improvement will allow for better conversion and higher install numbers.
Secondly, the ASA (Apple Search Ads) campaign is worth launching, plus other marketing strategies can be used (ads on Facebook, Instagram, other mobile apps, the website, and radio) to improve the brand’s popularity.