It’s not so long ago that the App Store could index every keyword in metadata (Title, Subtitle, and Keywords), even if you entered them as one word but wrote each one with a capital letter.
For example, if you entered «ASOIsPower», it would index for every keyword as if you had «aso,is,power». This allowed you to save up some space in a text field by not separating the keywords with punctuation marks or spaces. Besides, entering keywords in such a way works for the Asian script (see our previous case study). However, after the update to iOS 13, this feature doesn’t seem to work.
Let’s check.
For one of the applications, we entered all the keywords (in Title, Subtitle, and Keywords) with no spaces.
It works for Title (e.g., «CalorieCounter», «FineScanner», and «FamilyLocator»).
However, it doesn’t work unless you start each keyword with a capital letter (e.g., «Familylocator»).
It doesn’t work for Subtitle and Keywords either. The keywords aren’t indexed in this case.
You can enter the keywords as one word starting each keyword with a capital letter in the Title of any locale. All the characters in Asian languages entered as one word are indexed separately as before. All the other options do not work.
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